With decreasing buying power in collections budgets and increasing emphasis on collaborative collection building across local and regional consortia, institutions may be looking for easier ways to expose and deliver these shared resources. The Triangle Research Libraries Network members (Duke, NCCU, NCSU, and UNC-CH libraries) have been building shared collections for decades and running a shared index for over 10 years. With the TRLN Discovery project, our consortium is migrating away from a customized vendor solution and leveraging common, open source tools (Solr, Blacklight) and shared infrastructure (AWS) to build a new discovery and delivery environment. This talk will broadly outline how these tools are being used and highlight a few interesting components that have been added to support consortial discovery. It will also cover how we have organized our development and governance processes on a consortial project with limited central resources and how we are approaching exposing the shared collection to institutional users in the interface. This talk is intended to expose alternatives to buying off-the-shelf products to support consortial discovery for other institutions interested in similar outcomes.